Terrestrial Modelling and
High-Performance Scientific Computing
HPSC TerrSys Fall School 2017
The Centre for High-Performance Scientific Computing in Terrestrial Systems (HPSC TerrSys), with support from the Energy Orientated Centre of Excellence for Computing (EoCoE WP4), offers a Fall School for Master and PhD students as well as PostDocs interested in Terrestrial Modelling and High-Performance Scientific Computing in Bonn, Germany. The school is supported by Geoverbund ABC/J and is free of charge for its members. Registration closed!
Terrestrial Systems Modelling Platform (TSMP): air temperature
Copyright: HPSC TerrSys
Call for registration
Monday, 25th September, 2017, 10:30 to Friday, 29th September, 2017, 13:00
The objectives of this applied course is to provide the theoretical and technical context of terrestrial modeling in high-performance scientific computing (HPSC) environments utilizing stand-alone and coupled hydrologic, land surface and atmospheric models.
Utilizing the Terrestrial Systems Modeling Platform (TerrSysMP), the course will take a complete tour of terrestrial modeling and HPSC in connection with real-world observations and data assimilation including
- setting up a terrestrial model and performing simulations in massively parallel supercomputer environments at the Jülich Supercomputing Centre,
- parallel performance analysis and profiling,
- parallel data assimilation using TerrSysMP-PDAF (Parallel Data Assimilation Framework), and
- post-processing and visualization in the age of big data.
Keynote Speakers
- Lars Nerger, Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Germany
- Eric Maisonnave, Centre Euopéen de Recherche et de Formation Avancée en Calcul Scientifique, France
- Laura Condon, Syracuse University, U.S.A
- Plus more to be announced
Learning Outcomes
Completion of the course will provide the participants with the generic capabilities of terrestrial modeling and data assimilation in supercomputing environments with a focus on TerrSysMP(-PDAF) including parallel performance analysis and profiling utilizing freely available software tools, and handling of very large data sets in the analyses and visualization process.
Target Audience and Prerequisites
- Master or PhD students, PostDocs with a deep interest in terrestrial modeling (hydrology, land surface, atmosphere)
- Basic knowledge of LINUX/UNIX and programming languages such as R, Python, C/C++, or FORTRAN as well as data formats such as NetCDF is an advantage
Monday | |
10:30-12:00 | Introduction to MPI short course (Optional) |
13:00-16:30 | Introduction to fundamentals of environmental (climate, hydrology, georesources, terrestrial systems) modeling (lectures: TBA) |
16:30-18:00 | Characteristics and handling of HPC resources (lectures and first hands on) |
Tuesday | |
08:30-11:00 | Setup of regional terrestrial models and performing simulations (hands on) |
11:00-12:00 | The OASIS coupler (lecture: Eric Maisonnave, CERFACS) |
Lunch break | |
13:00-16:00 | Continue morning projects and inspection of results with real data (hands on) |
16:00-18:00 | Visualization and big data strategies (lectures: in-situ processing, Jens Hendrik Göbbert; big data analytics, Martin Schultz; parallel I/O, Sebastian Lührs; all JSC) |
Wednesday | |
08:30-12:00 | Parallel performance and profiling (lecture: Markus Geimer, JSC) |
Lunch break | |
13:00-18:00 | Performance and profiling analysis (hands on) |
Thursday | |
08:30-11:00 | Ensemble data assimilation (lecture: Lars Nerger, AWI) |
11:00-12:00 | Ensemble data assimilation with TerrSysMP (hands on) |
Lunch break | |
13:00-18:00 | Ensemble data assimilation with TerrSysMP (hands on) |
Friday (optional) | |
08:30-12:00 | Continue projects and wrap-up (hands on) |
Registration Deadline (Registration closed!)
31th May 2017
Registration procedures
To register as a participant, please use the online registration form. Final notifications and confirmation of participation will probably go out by the end of May 2017.
Meteorological Institute
Bonn University
[Campus Endenich]
Auf dem Hügel 20
53121 Bonn
How to reach 'Campus Endenich'
The school is free of charge for members of Geoverbund ABC/J. Please click at the provided links to check for i) member institutions of Geoverbund ABC/J: RWTH Aachen University, University Bonn, University of Cologne, Forschungszentrum Jülich or ii) participating master programs: RWTH Aachen University, University Bonn, University of Cologne. For external participants from academia, there is a 360 EUR (including 19% VAT) contribution to expenses and 1,000 EUR for participants from the non-academic/private/industrial sector, respectively. Payment details, travel and accommodation information will be given with the notifications. All participants need to cover their expenses for travel and accommodation by themselves. Catering during the event will be provided.
Note on image, film and sound recording
We would like to advise you that during the event recordings will be made that may be used as part of our public relations. By participating in this event, you give your consent to the publication of such material which may include images and/or audio recordings of you for this purpose.
The HPSC TerrSys Fall School 2017 is supported by EoCoE.
Copyright: EoCoE