Registration deadline extended! HPSC TerrSys Fall School 2019 in Bonn
The Centre for High-Performance Scientific Computing in Terrestrial Systems (HPSC TerrSys) offers a fall school in Terrestrial Modelling and High-Performance Scientific Computing from 23 - 27 September 2019 in Bonn, Germany.
The course is aimed at Master and PhD students as well as PostDocs. In addition to lectures, the event also includes a series of interactive exercises, which will be supervised by international experts using the Terrestrial Systems Modelling Platform (TSMP).
Terrestrial Systems Modelling Platform (TSMP): air temperature
Copyright: HPSC TerrSys
The objective of this applied course is to provide the theoretical and technical context of HPSC-environments utilizing stand-alone and coupled hydrologic, land surface and atmospheric models. Registration is open until 17 June 2019!