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Algorithm for Parallel-Interactive Computing and Visualisation in Coupled Atmosphere-Land Surface Modelling

Numerical flow simulation algorithms like the ones used for Large-Eddy Atmosphere-Land Surface Modelling (LES-ALM) are based on highly irregular grid data structures. Adaptive refinement techniques are used to account for local details. The time-varying nature of flow simulation data adds an extra degree of complexity.

We adjust state-of-the-art visualisation algorithms like Direct Volume Rendering (DVR) and Texture-based Flow Visualisation to cope with large, time-dependent datasets by using out-of-core methods and parallel implementations for Multi-GPU systems and next-generation many-core coprocessors. We compare GPU-based approaches against implementations for modern many-core platforms that are typically used in HPC cluster systems. Our implementations will have to efficiently handle adaptive data structures on GPUs or many-core systems, which provide high throughput at the penalty of a restricted memory usage scenario.

The algorithms are integrated into a Virtual Reality-based Visualisation Software that is developed under the supervision of Prof. Lang.


Chair of Computer Science

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Lang

University of Cologne
Chair of Computer Science
Weyertal 121
50931 Köln

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