Data sets
Simulation and Data Laboratory Terrestrial Systems
Research data sets are created by team members of SimDataLab TerrSys at the
Jülich Supercomputing Centre and by collaboration partners. The focus is on data sets related to atmospheric science.
EURO-CORDEX (EUR-11) evaluation simulations with TerrSysMP from 1989 to 2018
Applying the Terrestrial Systems Modeling Platform, TSMP, this daset consists of the first simulated long-term (1989-2018), high-resolution (~12.5km) terrestrial system climatology over Europe, which comprises variables from groundwater across the land surface to the top of atmosphere (G2A). This data set constitutes a natural realization of the European terrestrial system, which cannot be obtained from observations, and can, thus, serve as a reference for global change simulations including human water use and climate change.
TerrSysMP Virtual Machine
This is a Ubuntu virtual machine containing TerrSysMP and a tutorial on data assimilation.