On 21 February 2019 the 2nd meeting of the NFDI4Earth plenum will take place in Potsdam from 10 am to 5 pm. The workshop will be jointly organized by GFZ and PIK in the Science Park Albert Einstein on the Telegrafenberg in Potsdam in the PIK building A56. More: 2nd Plenary Meeting NFDI4Earth …
Invitation to IAS Seminar "Identification of Climate Signals using Novel Robust Unsupervised Machine Learning Method"
Einladung zum Workshop Geodata Hub – Management von Geo-Forschungsdaten in NRW
Der Geoverbund ABC/J fördert – in Kooperation mit dem Jülich Supercomputing Centre – den Aufbau eines Systems zum Management von Geo-Forschungsdaten („Geodata Hub“) für Nordrhein-Westfalen und lädt alle interessierten Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler, die am Aufbau mitwirken möchten, zu einem vorbereitenden Workshop am 11. Juli 2018 ein..
More: Einladung zum Workshop Geodata Hub – Management von Geo-Forschungsdaten in NRW …
How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper and Scientific Ethics
To publish a scientic paper, one needs both good science and good writing. This course will introduce the concepts of scientific writing and the procedures to publish a scientific paper. Participants can also bring their own writing, and good and bad writing will be discussed. The course does not focus on English per se, but rather emphasizes the scientific writing aspect. The course will also discuss authorship and ethical issues involved in the publication process.
More: How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper and Scientific Ethics …
HPSC TerrSys Succeeds in Ideas Competition on International Research Marketing
For the third time, the German Research Foundation (DFG) has honoured marketing concepts for international research as part of an ideas competition. Forschungszentrum Jülich applied for and won one of the top awards, endowed with € 100,000. The award-winning concept concerns the pan-African challenge of soil as a resource and was developed in collaboration with the International Soil Modeling Consortium (ISMC), Geoverbund ABC/J, and the Centre of Excellence High-Performance Scientific Computing in Terrestrial Systems (HPSC TerrSys), all of which are located at Forschungszentrum Jülich.
More: HPSC TerrSys Succeeds in Ideas Competition on International Research Marketing …